Meet Charlotte

Charlotte, a happy yellow lab who found a forever home

With Help from SAFE Haven KY, Charlotte Got Healthy and Happy

I’m Charlotte, and I may look like a happy girl now, but it wasn’t too long ago that I was sick and lonely. It started after I had my puppies. I was homeless and I started hanging out in the yard of a nice lady who tried to help, but she couldn’t afford to take me to the vet. I brought her my puppies one by one and she found homes for all of them.

But my health was getting worse, so the lady called SAFE Haven KY. They’re foster-based and all their fosters were at capacity, but they decided to help me anyway. Since I didn’t have a microchip, they took me to the vet and agreed to pay for my care even though I didn’t have a home.

The vet said I had fleas and hookworms and was covered in hot spots. I also tested positive for heartworm. He was optimistic that with lots of care I would be okay. But, where would I stay during my recovery given all the foster homes were full?

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That’s when I got lucky. One of the SAFE Haven KY volunteers had recently lost her 14-year-old lab, Skye, and I guess I reminded her of Skye. She said she certainly didn’t need another dog, especially a rescue that would require a lot of care. But she took me home anyway.

A close up of Charlotte, a happy yellow labAnd I got a whole family! She has multiple dogs and they welcomed me in. Maybe they thought I was Skye too. With treatment, my fleas have vanished, the hookworms are gone, the hotspots are cool and I’m heartworm free!

Best of all, my new mom lets me hang around with her all the time. She says I’m as smart as Skye was and have many of the same mannerisms. In fact, she said I’ve filled a void she didn’t even know she had!

She sure has done that for me too. All I wanted was a forever home, and now I have one. My family calls me Char now, and they’ve said they’ll care for me through thick and thin.

I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I know the PEDIGREE Foundation grant SAFE Haven KY received was important. My treatments have been expensive, and without that support, I might not have gotten the help I needed … and best of all, a home.

Every dollar given to PEDIGREE Foundation supports shelters and rescues helping dogs in need. Together, we’re working to end pet homelessness. Whether it’s funds to help provide a bag of food or contribute to a life-changing surgery, your gift helps save lives! Donate here.

If you love dogs, you can help right now.

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