6 Ways to Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday and Help End Pet Homelessness

dog wearing happy birthday crown

If you’ve ever adopted a dog, you know the joy they bring and the love they deserve. That’s why adopters who don’t know their pup’s actual birthday often celebrate them in August – the universal birthday for shelter dogs everywhere.

We’re wishing all those great dogs a happy, happy birthday! You might celebrate with a special play date at the park, a dog movie marathon together on the couch or an afternoon playing with a fun new toy. We hope you’ll take this opportunity to celebrate shelters and rescues, too – the tireless folks who work so hard to help dogs find the loving homes they deserve, like yours.

Here are a few ways you can show shelters and rescues your thanks and help more dogs in need.

1. Volunteer.

dog with volunteer

Check with your local shelter or rescue to see what help they need. They may want help making phone calls, shopping for supplies, taking dogs for walks, fostering or managing adoption events. Use this link to find shelters and rescues in your area and see how you can help.

2. Give supplies.

Shelters are always in need of food and other supplies for their pups. This can include things like towels, blankets, leashes, collars, toys, brushes, beds, dishes, cleaning supplies and newspapers. Mark your calendar and deliver a box of food and supplies to your local shelter or rescue every month. Also, ask what’s on their wish list so you can get them what they need most; many shelters have established Amazon wish list links so you can shop at your convenience and send everything right to them.

3. Donate.

Homeless dogs have many needs, from food and shelter to veterinary care and training. Consider a financial donation to your local shelter or rescue or to an organization like PEDIGREE Foundation that helps many groups working to support homeless dogs. Last year we gave over $1 million in grants, and we’re hoping to do the same this year with the support of dog lovers like you. Please help us do more! Here’s our donation link.

4. Adopt.

two dogs

Even if you’re already celebrating your pup’s birthday, you could consider adopting a second dog. They’ll keep each other company and you’ll get double the doggie kisses. Most important, each time you adopt, you give a loving home to a dog in need and make room for another homeless dog to be helped by the shelter.

5. Raise funds.

Did you know you can raise funds on Facebook to get funds to shelters and rescues in need? Just start a post and choose “Support Nonprofit” as the post type. You can search for organizations to receive the funds. PEDIGREE Foundation is on the list and likely your local shelters and rescues are too. Instagram has a “Donation” sticker that works the same way in Stories.

6. Get friends involved.

Share your adoption and shelter experiences with friends and family, and explain why you help. Invite them to volunteer with you. Ask them to donate to help your favorite organizations. Encourage them to foster or adopt. We can make an even bigger impact together!

Have a pawsome birthday celebration – and thank you for all you do to help other dogs enjoy a family as special as yours!

If you love dogs, you can help right now.

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